development program 意味

発音を聞く:   development programの例文
  • 開発計画{かいはつ けいかく}、開発{かいはつ}プログラム


  1. did you know ? including the space shuttle missions , twothirds of the space development program is for military purposes .
    宇宙開発は その3分の2が軍事利用だ
  2. but the whole picture is that their veiled in mystery and are trying to reach some kind of space development program .
    ですが その全貌は 謎のベールに包まれていて...。
  3. did you know ? including the space shuttle missions , twothirds of the space development program is for military purposes .
    知っているか? スペースシャトルのミッションを含めて
  4. during the early nara period , the land and people were governed by the central government based on the ritsuryo system , but in 722 , with the increase in population and financial demands , a large scale land development program was formulated to increase the national income by the government .
  5. the street has relatively a short history; it opened in the early showa period in a city development program (as a city planning road ) involving the layout of kyoto municipal streetcar on the street , following the road expansion program which was part of kyoto ' s big three projects in late meiji period and taisho period .



  1. "development potential" 意味
  2. "development process" 意味
  3. "development process of a new product" 意味
  4. "development production" 意味
  5. "development profit" 意味
  6. "development project" 意味
  7. "development project (program, plan)" 意味
  8. "development project engineer" 意味
  9. "development project in question" 意味
  10. "development production" 意味
  11. "development profit" 意味
  12. "development project" 意味
  13. "development project (program, plan)" 意味

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